Made for the One Button Game Jam
Made with Unreal Engine 5
Me and Cem Er got to know each other better over the course of several months we both developed a mutual understanding that we work competently as a team. We are able to bounce off of each other's ideas and also accept criticism wherever needed.
My Contribution
I was the lead programmer for the project, we chose Unreal Engine 5 because at the time it was newely released and wanted to challange ourselves in the new engine. This proved to be a great investment and helped with my previous knowledge of Unreal Engine 4, it was easily transferrable to the new version of the engine.
Player Code
This is for the player attack it will go through the sequencer, where it would play the sound first, then change the flipbook animation to an attacking animation and finally it would check if it has been clicked to playout the attack.
When the enemy collides with the collision and the game will check if the player has pressed attack button, it will then destroy the enemy actor.
Enemy Code
Every tick it does world movement for the enemy. It grabs the world direction and puts it into the movement input so it will continue moving forward towards the player.
Later on in the sequence the gamespeed is lowered to also give the effect of slowness after the deaf
The way that this blueprint works for the player death is that, it disables the player input and makes the character jump, the jump was done just to make add small movement when dying so the player does not die on the spot. It then create a widget for game death and shows it to the player. After that it plays the death sound